Part V Bible Meditation

We teach children to hear God’s voice through meditation on His Word.  With practice, the children learn how to be in God’s presence daily and breathe in His glory through Bible Meditation.   Bible Meditation isn’t just memorizing scripture, it is a special time with the Lord.  John 1:1 tells us that Jesus is the Word.  Meditation of Scripture, the Word of God, is intimacy with Jesus.  We ask the children to see if God speaks to them through pictures or words while the verse is being read to them.  They meditate to receive pictures and words from God ~ to hear His voice ~ this is intimacy with God, their Creator.

The children you teach will come to know who they are in Christ Jesus and Who He is in them.  As you practice Bible Meditation, you will become more sensitive to God’s Spirit ~ As your character joins with His nature, you become a live expression of Who He is.

It is our prayer (and make it your prayer too) that learning to meditate on scripture will bring you and those you teach into a deep awareness of His abiding presence ~ Once in His presence, He reveals His plan and purpose for each of us within the Kingdom of God on earth ~ His plan and purpose for each life at this specific time and place in history.